TAMU Senior Photos at the Bell Tower

Atzhiry | Corps of Cadets, Texas A&M Senior

Atzhiry’s senior photo session was different in the best of ways! I got to explore new areas on Texas A&M’s campus, learn more about the Corps of Cadets, and take some pretty great graduation photos to celebrate her graduating!

Location #1 – Albritton Bell Tower

Even though Atzhiry showed up in a classic white dress, she told me she wasn’t used to wearing dresses. As someone who is usually rocking shorts (or leggings) I could relate. The dress was super cute, and I could tell her mom LOVED it! We started at the Bell Tower on campus near Kyle field. While the direction doesn’t REALLY matter, Atzhiry wanted the academic building in the background… contradictory to what the other groups were doing. Well, she was RIGHT! The bell tower is a beautiful and under utilized photo spot on campus, so not only did this yeild an aesthic photo, it also gave the moment deeper meaning to Atzhiry’s time at A&M.

Location #2 – Langford

Up next was the Administration building on campus… Since the line was ALLLLLLL the way down the steps, Atzhiry and I went around Langford while her dad stood in line. As a University Studies major, most of Atzhiry’s were in one of the three Langford buildings. I was so happy with how the images from the walk way turned out. Ever since I transferred to the College of Architecture I have though this would be a fantastic photo spot… YUP!

Location #3 – Administration Building

After a change into the Corp uniform, some detail shots, and a little more waiting in the line, we were able to take those CLASSIC Texas A&M Graduation photos at the Administration building. While the columns are beautiful and the light is a photographer’s dream, it isn’t always worth the wait. We were able to plan ahead to make sure to fit this location in since it was a MUST on Atzhiry’s list. And to celebrate the almost 2 hour wait (Yup, you read that correctly, that was the total time her dad was in line) we popped some campaign!!!!

Location #4 – Corps of Cadet Arches

To finish out this session, we took a few more photos at the Corps of Cadet Arches and headed home!

I really loved going against the grain with Atzhiry’s session to show off the passions she discovered during her college career.

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