Newly wedding having a passionate kiss under a tree

Callie + Duncan | Courthouse Wedding in July

Callie reached out to me to document their day mentioning she felt it would be nice to have a pro document the day (music to a photographer’s ears!!!)

With family and friends basically wherever BUT in College Station, they decide a simple ceremony to tie the knot was what they wanted. Don’t worry, they face-timed their people after they were officially Mr & Mrs Yeudall!!!! 

These moments were FILLED with happiness and love. 

Each wedding I attend has a few moments that stand out to me. For Callie & Duncan it was Duncan holding back tears during his vows…

Callie’s eager hug after their kiss…

Their eagerness to be weird with each other (in the best way, I don’t think I could have the genuine smiles without the other helping me).

I am ending this now and wiping away the tears. I am forever grateful that I get to be apart of these moments for people. That I am trusted with their vulnerability and allowed to see the joy and love they share.